Roy Bennett- “Begin each day with a grateful heart”
Expressing your gratitude on a regular basis is like taking a daily supplement of vitamins. Being grateful has a positive effect on your overall well-being living a life of gratitude makes everything a little better.
Never regret a day in your life, good days gives happiness bad days give experience worst gives lessons and best days give memories. Every day comes with its opportunity and incentive, every second, every minute, and hour in it has the potential of transforming our today and securing tomorrow. It’s a blank cheque and we determine what we fill, we are all products of our choices so if a man expects something different from his make up then he is in for a disappointment.
Today was yesterday’s tomorrow and every opportunity a day brings us one more brick to build our castles with, many do not seize these bricks and end up building nothing because they are low on resources. Seize the block of today.
To make each day count, the first thing you need to do is tell yourself how awesome you are. There are so many things about you that are unique. Embrace your uniqueness, be proud of yourself. Regardless of what you are going through just know you’re awesome.
To make each day count you need to be a reflective thinker. Reflecting on yesterday help you make better choices today, it puts your experience into perception and you find out better ways of doing things. Do something that helps you feel well, spend time with your loved ones. When you spend time with your loved ones it could make you feel well. Try getting the best of social interactions in your life by making time in your day for those you love.
Also, learn something new, don’t let a day go by without you learning something at the end of every day, ask questions like; what new thing did I learn today? How can I apply it in my life? Who did I add value to? Did I make a new relationship? Reflecting on these kinds of questions daily will help you see some bricks you missed and how to make the next day count.
Finally, to make your day count have a good laugh. Smile always, a smile is a curve that sets everything straight it’s the key that fits the lock to everybody’s heart.
To guarantee tomorrow’s success you need to make every day count. So go out there and make today count.
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