
Low-Investment-but-Big-Profits-Suntwist Nigeria

I Bet This Sounds Too Good To Be True!

We live in a time and country that based on the situation of the economy, we hear different stories ranging from “how Nigerians suffer” to “how bad the economy is” yet we still have a society that encompasses two calibers of people i.e. the rich and the poor. Its a popular sa...
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Suntwist Nigeria


The higher the risk, the higher the returns; this is a popular saying about investments. But the older I’ve grown, the more I’ve realized that the above stated is actually not a fact but a myth. I have come to realize that you can make your money work for you in the world of investment [...
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corrupt_Suntwist Nigeria

Everything else can wait, but Investment can’t!

Nothing is constant except change they say, but it’s funny how a lot of things have remained constant in our country varying from corruption to inflation to constant depreciation. Let’s take a look at the political state of our country which grows worse daily with the politicians making ...
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